Author name: submin

A consultant I know and respect says using the Albrecht system of soil testing has actually caused problems for one of his clients, and he recommends staying away from it. If the program really works as well as you say, how could something such as this happen?

There are several possibilities that come to mind when I hear of statements such as this made by a consultant, or perhaps even a farmer or grower who has suffered a loss while trying what he is told is the Albrecht program for soil fertility. Was the Soil Test Truly Albrecht? First in my mind […]

A consultant I know and respect says using the Albrecht system of soil testing has actually caused problems for one of his clients, and he recommends staying away from it. If the program really works as well as you say, how could something such as this happen? Read More »

What would you recommend, based on the type of soil testing you do, for making the highest yield of corn possible on my field?

First of all, take the needed soil tests far enough ahead of time to be sure there is sufficient time to receive and consider fertilizer and soil amendment recommendations, locate the required materials, and apply them in a timely manner. Timing the Soil Sampling, Fertilizer Application For liming materials and trace elements such as iron,

What would you recommend, based on the type of soil testing you do, for making the highest yield of corn possible on my field? Read More »

Once the soil is properly corrected in terms of the needed fertility levels, is there any good reason to keep testing the soil every year?

Due to the nature of our business it would be to our benefit when someone decides to have us do another set of soil samples and recommendations for them! So for some it may be easy to assume that any further answer given to such a question would simply be geared toward that end! But

Once the soil is properly corrected in terms of the needed fertility levels, is there any good reason to keep testing the soil every year? Read More »

For Those Who Utilize Soil Tests

In a survey conducted some years ago, farmers were asked whether they believed that soil testing was something that should be used for raising better crops and improving soil fertility levels. 82% answered “yes”. When these same farmers were asked if they used soil tests, only 28% said” yes”! In agriculture today, anecdotal evidence suggests the percentage has

For Those Who Utilize Soil Tests Read More »