We are conducting an advanced II sands course at the Lantana Golf Club, just 30 minutes north of the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas International Airport (DFW) on Tuesday through Thursday, January 7-9, 2025.
This meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend, but we recommend it only for those who have taken our introductory course and our Advanced Course for regular soils. This course will provide the answers to the sands in the lowest TEC category, plus refinements to the other sandy soil TEC formulations.
This will likely be the last Advanced II Course of this type that we offer to those who are not registered as Kinsey Ag Consultants. Notebooks will provide copies of all the 100 different soils we use to explain the major problems and definitive solutions for all types of sandy soils which have been chosen as most representative for the course.
The focus will be on how to determine needed fertilizer figuring fertility needs for low TEC soils, using soils analyzed for clients who use our testing for determining the correct recommendations.
This program is not at all relevant to use on soil tests from other soil labs. Due to great variations in how other labs measure and report nutrient levels, those numbers can cause extremely divergent answers in terms of fertility requirements. Generally, the greatest variations in numbers are on sandy soils.
So, since we are unable to keep up with all the differences, we cannot include, nor will we try to evaluate samples from other labs. The numbers vary so much from one lab to another that we do not even understand how to teach or interpret needs from those tests And because we do not understand how to compare such tests, we do not recommend this class for anyone who wants to use any other type of soil test.
Where working a formula is required, we will show it on a whiteboard as each one is addressed. This approach is being taken because providing how to work each soil using modules to show the program step by step in the past has taken far too much time.
Also, due to new and specifically proprietary information that will be provided, no pictures, tapes or videos will be approved for recording any part of this meeting.
The Lantana Golf Club is a private golf course for members only. But they have indicated that they can likely work in any who would like to stay over, pay the fee and play a round of golf on Friday. They just need to know as soon as possible how many wish to do so and how many would need a set of clubs furnished. Please let me know via email or call Shannon at the office (573 683-3880) if you are interested.
We need to know who will be coming at least three weeks ahead of time so the best preparations can be made by the golf club. So please register on or before, Monday, December 23. 2024. The hotel says they are willing to hold our block of rooms until Dec. 3. After that they will not guarantee rooms for the discounted price.
A registration form and a copy of the program outline is attached.
We hope to see you there.