About Us
Founded in 1973, the approach of Kinsey Agricultural Services has always been that of providing a consulting service specifically dealing with soil fertility and problems that are closely related. Initially begun as a one-man soil fertility consulting service for problem soils, Neal Kinsey was trained and certificated as an agronomist by Dr. William A. Albrecht, Professor Emeritus of Soils, University of Missouri/Columbia.
Our company still utilizes this foundational work on soil testing and fertility. The principal goal is to help those who use the services we offer to economically achieve an ideal level of productivity and quality in terms of the soil and the crops grown on each soil. Soil fertility work includes soils growing just about any major food, fiber or feed crop, in the world.
Benefit from our more than 40 years of field experience. Working with growers in all 50 U.S. States and more than 75 countries around the world, balancing and maintaining the soil to obtain quality crop production.
We have helped clients improve both the quality and productivity of their soil through increased fertility in all types of situations – from certified organic farmers and gardeners using only specifically approved materials, to commercial farms, ranches, nurseries, landscapes and forests, using conventional fertilizer sources.

Issues with crop quality and yields?
We specialize in correcting soil fertility problems of farms, ranches, vineyards, orchards, gardens, and lawns…
“I tried some gypsum on a pasture where the sulphur was 9ppm to try out this Albrecht method on our clover. It worked, you can see where the spreader went as the rows are a darker colour and have experienced more growth over Spring… Thank you again for sharing your knowledge. It has greatly enhanced my ability to predict soil fertility and make better decisions regarding fertilizer purchases.”
“Neal, my wheat and canola crops this year are the best I’ve ever grown. By following and implementing your recommendations, I feel my yields have increased by 50% for wheat and 25% for canola. A great achievement. Many thanks.”
“In following your recommendations to correct these problems we began having positive results within the first year and have continued to get those results, as measured by increased yield, for the past seven years. Production in the bad areas now equals what the good areas used to produce but the good areas have gotten better so they are still ahead… it has also held true in our landscape areas…”
“Thanks very much for last year’s [recommendations]. It was the best corn crop in this area ever. We think we averaged over 200 bu per acre. The highests check we happened to take was 265 bu per acre which was the second highest that our Pioneer dealer took. Most beans were in the lower 50’s in this area but ours averaged 60.”
“We applied all the recommended tracke elements… Had extremely good results. Best grass ever… in spite of a lousy growing season – very hot and extended drought. We were the only people in the area who didn’t have to feed hay in July/August.”
“Not till I utilized Neal Kinsey’s teachings about soil balancing did my gardens take on a life of their own. A sensitive lady, a Sunset Magazine editor, who many times published comments on my gardens in the magazine, once told me, “I love your gardens, because they are so alive!”
“We were very pleased how the avocado orchard responded to your fertiliser program.”
“… I can say one of the more rewarding aspects of my career has been working with you and your program, and seeing the vast improvement in soil tilth and texture. I know we are making better wine for the effort.”
“Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your hectic day yesterday. It’s a good feeling when a small market grower can get the same top-notch service like the agri-farms.”
“We got another blue and another purple ribbon entering the open-class exhibit at the county fair. The second cutting sample tested almost 21% protein. This hay doesn’t stink. A sweet smell like no other and it tastes good. Not vinegary. The horses are not sick, don’t waste any and the cows will fight you for it. I cannot put into words to thank you enough for what has been done to help me. Your outlook has put me on a completely different path… and I am taking it.”