Kinsey Agricultural Services

Kiwi Fertiliser Co. Ltd.

2 Sunset Close
New Zealand 3900

Kiwi Fertiliser has consultants throughout the North Island of NZ. See our website for a consultant servicing your area. Our consultants have attended multiple courses as taught by Neal on a regular basis.

Managing Director – Ron McLean

Phone: 0800 549 433

Kiwi Fertiliser was formed to change the face of New Zealand agriculture. It follows the principles began by Dr. William Albrecht in the 1930’s, and refined by Neal Kinsey of Kinsey Agricultural Services, who has produced detailed manuals on how to work out exactly what is required to reach full potential in any soil, anywhere in the world. To enable him and other consultants to do that, all soil samples are sent to Perry Agricultural Laboratories in Missouri. Those precise findings are then converted into fertiliser recommendations. These are not restricted to N, P and K, but extends to all essential nutrients and the various materials that will perform best in your situation. It matters not if you are organically or chemically oriented; nature’s rules are identical for all systems. Break the rules and pests, diseases and weeds will follow. Follow the rules and all those negatives will fade into the background. To follow the rules, you must know what they are. That is where Kiwi Fertiliser fits in. There may be an investment to make, especially if capital applications are required, but the price is well worth the planning and effort. Eventually the fertiliser account, the vet bills, the chemical sprays and the problems will all decline, resulting in pleasurable farming, improved environment and superior sustainability and profitability. Soil fertility effects go well beyond the soil. They go through pastures and crops, through stock and humans and to the bottom line. Many farmers and growers believe they are doing well when the reality is, they are not. Those that recognise they could do better and challenge the boundaries will find reward beyond their imagination.